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Conversation 2 会上海办公室装修话 2 A:May I help you

来源:百办办公室装修   时间:2017-11-10

我们的价值可以谈,我已传闻过许多有关它的先容,我相信这一套最新自动签录系统会给贵公司的 业务带来许多长处, B:Are your prices negotiable? B:价值是否有磋商的余地呢? A:Yes。

A:Certainly. A:虽然,苏州办公室装修,我但愿你们不久后就和我接洽。

(演示事后) B:Yes. I would have to agree with you. It seems to offer more options than the others. B:是的, A:OK. I'm sure you will love what this new automatic answer?ing system can do for your business. A:好的, B:What happens if I am not satisfied with my purchases? B:如果买了后不满足怎么办? A:Your satisfaction is guaranteed, A:OK. I hope you will be in touch with me shortly. A:好吧, Conversation 1 会话 1 A:Can I help you, B:Please handle the items carefully. B:请小心运送货物,看起来你们产物的成果比别家的成果多。

B:We will pay by collect on delivery. B:货到时我们付款, but our quality is not. A:有,需要资助吗? B:Yes. I'm excited to hear about your new product. B:是的, B:Yes. I've heard a lot about it. B:是这样, please. You'll be con?vinced that our product is superior.(After the demonstration ) A:请看看电脑演示,可是我必需与我的老板磋商之后才气做抉择, B:How do you ensure quality? B:你们奈何来担保产物的质量呢? A:Any of our new products shall go through a 1 - 3 month tes?ting period. A:我们的任何一件新产物都有一至三个月的试用期, A:How soon do you want it? A:你要多快送到? B:Could you deliver it tomorrow? B:你能不能来日诰日送到? A:No problem. A:没问题, Conversation 2 会话 2 A:May I help you,。

We want offlce-style cabinets in white. The catalogue number is 90-f-2356. 办公柜要白色的产物编号是90-f-2356,不然我们就退款, Miss? A:小姐,但我们产物的质量是唯一无二的, But new product sometimes has a few troubles. How about yours? 可是新产物有时会有一些问题,Miss? A:小姐,我很想相识你们这套新产物的环境。

our prices are negotiable,办公室装修, B:l see. But I have to discuss It over with my boss before I make a decision. B:我知道了,你必然会相信我们的比别家的好, A:Watch our computer demonstration。

需要点什么? B:I would like to order 2 offlce-style cabinets and desk calen?dars. B:我要订购两个办公柜和两份台历, , or we refund your money. A:我们担保用户满足,你们的怎么样? A:Our systems are 100% trouble-free. A:我们的系统是百分之百的无妨碍,我很同意你的说法。

下一篇: 齐鲁网济南7月16日讯 济南市民曲展厅设计先生和几个朋友在旅游路上租了三层的办公楼
