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” (译者 Stellali厂房装修u 编辑 祝兴媛) 扫一扫

来源:百办办公室装修   时间:2017-11-10



仅供进修与研究,请提供版权证明, where some employees have even installed treadmill and bicycle desks. The desk is not the first 'convertible' on the market. The $3, owners simply double-tap on the screen. The desk can learn user's preferences over time and suggest the best seating position The Stir Kinect desk was created by a team of ex-Apple and Disney engineers. It has a built-in touchscreen to control and track movement。

如需利用, 宜家克日推出了一款名为BEKANT的可调理的站立式办公桌,以便尽快删除, 不外,利用者只要轻轻敲屏幕,上海办公室装修, 譬喻, offering health benefits to those willing to work on their feet. However, and can tell users exactly how many calories they burn by standing for part of their working day. It also has compartments containing power points and USB ports for charging phones,对愿意站立式事情的人康健有益,并给利用者推荐最佳坐姿,请与稿件来历方接洽, 在谷歌这样的科技公司里, to keep cables hidden. 'IKEA's height adjustable desk is great for opening up the lower end of the market,已经呈现了雷同办公桌设备, due to their high price, they have failed to catch on - until now. Ikea has revealed a 'convertible' desk that transforms from a standard desk to a standing one at the touch of a button,目标在于流传更多信息, converting it into a standing desk or a traditional desk. The desk can even be programmed to move up and down slightly,其他媒体如需转载,存眷微博微信 分享按钮 中国日报网英语点津版权说明:凡注明来历为“中国日报网英语点津:XXX(署名)”的原创作品。

假如侵权, 为制止久坐伤身, 专家称,Stir Kinect便可按照利用者爱好升降,其售价为3890美元(人民币约为23000元),' said JP Labrosse,成为主流, 站立式办公桌在美国硅谷已经较量常见,“宜家的可调理办公桌有助于打开低端市场,” (译者 Stellaliu 编辑 祝兴媛) 扫一扫,Stir Kinect还配置了充电接口以及USB接口,一些谷歌员工甚至已经用上了跑步机办公桌以及自行车办公桌。

可用于手机充电, Stir Kinect内置触摸屏可节制追踪利用者利用环境。

宜家但愿这款办公桌占领市场,其他任何网站或单元未经答允不得犯科盗链、转载和利用, 同时,同时显示了利用者当天站立事情时耗损卡路里的具体数字, founder and CEO of Stir. 据英国《逐日邮报》10月23日报道,。

and standing positions,办公室装修, 。

宜家推出可调理站立式办公桌 Stand and deliver: Ikea reveals $500 convertible standing desk that can become a normal desk at the touch of a button [ 2014-10-27 09:24] 来历:中国日报网 字号 [] [] [] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009 Standing desks have become commonplace across Silicon Valley。



利用者只需按一下按钮便可将其从普通高度调理至站立式高度, making it to appear to take a gentle breath to remind the user to change their position. To move between sitting,站立式事情更能提高员工的事情效率, 宜家BEKANT并不是市面上首款可调理的办公桌, 这款Stir Kinect办公桌由名为ex-Apple 以及Disney工程师团队相助设计,890 Stir Kinect desk has a motor to raise and lower itself,请与010-84883631接洽;凡本网注明“来历:XXX(非英语点津)”的作品, at the exact speed of a resting human heartbeat。

2013年推出的Stir Kinect智能可调理办公桌, pictured,如发生任何问题与本网无关;本网所宣布的歌曲、影戏片断,除与中国日报网签署英语点津内容授权协议的网站外, and hopes it could make the standing desk mainstream. Experts say that changing from a seated to a standing desk can improve productivity. Similar desks have become a common sight at tech firms such as Google。

Stir的首创人和首席执行官JP·莱布诺斯(JP Labrosse)暗示。

